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How To Make Your Own PS2 Slide Card Tool at Home

If you want to play backup copies of your favorite PS2 games without installing a mod chip, you can use a swap magic disc. This special type of disc allows you to swap it out with a copy of the PlayStation 2 game you want to play. You will need to have a slide card tool to manually eject the disc tray without pressing the actual eject button. Once you have manually ejected the disc tray, you quickly remove the swap magic disc and insert a back up copy of a original game you want to play. You then push in the disc tray, press 'X' and the game will load up. If want to use swap magic on a older bulky style of the Sony PlayStation 2 console, you will need to make your own custom slide card tool. You slide this underneath the disc tray, so that it releases itself manually.

1) Get hold of an old swipe or credit card. This is the best object to use because it durable and is easy to transform.

2) Obtain a pair of scissors and make the following exact cutouts provided in the image below:

3) Remove the front cover from the disc tray. It will be held in place by two plastic tabs on each side. So use a flat head screwdriver to undo them both.

4) Insert the swap magic disc to try out your new slide card tool. Insert the card below the bottom part of the disc tray.

5) Once you have got a good grip of it, pull it outwards to push out the disc tray. If you are having problems, recheck the cutouts you have just made.

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