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How To Clean a Computer CD/DVD Drive Player

If your computer has a CD/DVD drive fitted into the front case panel you can use it to play audio, video and media types of discs. Overtime, the lens of the laser inside the unit that reads the discs will become dusty. This can cause disc read errors to occur and not recognition the disc you have entered. If this is the problem, you can simply clean the laser lens using a CD laser cleaning kit.

1) The special cleaning disc supplied with the kit has a small brush on the bottom surface. Pour a sensible amount of liquid solution onto it.

2) Eject the CD drive and remove any current disc in the tray.

3) Insert the CD cleaning disc into the tray and press the close button.

4) During this process, the disc will spin rapidly cleaning the lens of the laser. 

5) Eject the disc after 1 minute and replace back into packaging for future use.
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