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How To Connect PA Speaker To Any CB Radio

You can connect a PA or public address speaker if you want to hear your own voice being broadcasted down your microphone. There are many different types you can connect some are louder than others, particularly if they are a horn style. This can help you peak and tune radio modulation to always ensure that you are being hear clearly on the channels and there is no breakage. This will also allow you to turn down the echo effect and adjust it to your liking before going live.

1) Turn off your CB radio.

2) Look at the back were all the plugs and connectors go. You will see a small hole labeled as 'PA'.

3) Get the headphone connector from your preferred pa speaker that you want to connect and plug it directly into the hole on the back.

4) Switch on your rig. You should now be able to listen to your voice out loud when in the correct mode.
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