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How To Connect Portable DVD Player To TV Projector

Having a portable DVD player allows you to watch movies on the go without taking your television with you wherever you are. The convenience it provides makes it ideal for the kids to watch their favorite movies when your out traveling in the back of your car. The difference between a traditional DVD player and a portable one is not so significant. All it contains really is a built in screen and a battery pack. You can also connect your portable DVD player to a TV projector at home if you require.

1) Most portable DVD players will come supplied with a composite cable in the box. You need to connect this lead into your back of your device.

2) You will see three colour plugs. Yellow for video, red and white for sound. You need to plug these directly into side of the projector followed by matching the colours.

3) Power on your DVD player and plug in a mains adapter to provide constant power to it. Then find the correct AV mode using the remote control to find the right picture input on the home projector.
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