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How To Make CB Radio Receive Better

A CB radio is limited by many factors that can cause weak reception. To get further, its all about how much transmission power you have on board. The more watts your radio outputs the more far its likely to transmit due to stronger signal being sent out through the antenna. If you are noticing that your receiving range on your rig is quiet poor, you may want to consider the following tips to boost its receive capability.

1) The shorter the cable the better. The signal received from the antenna has less way to travel into your rig with a shorter cable.

2) Check for any damaged wiring. Coax can turn bad over the years. Check to see if the copper wire is green from oxidation and see if there are any rips or tears. Since this can cause signal to leak out.

3) Tinker about the antenna positioning. This higher it is placed the better receive range you are going to get. This is simply because there are fewer obstructions higher up.

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