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How To Make Your BeyBlade Spin More Faster

If you are battling beyblades with your friends in a stadium, the more faster it spins the less chance of yours stopping first. This also provides more potential of immediate knock out from the ring leaving you being an champion each and every time. Here you will find all the possible ways to make your Beyblade spin more faster that every school boy should be aware about.

1) Make your ripcord longer. Having more length means more pulling force which results in more spin. This can be achieved by cutting two plastic cords in half and then using super glue to join them together.

2) Pull using more force. The stronger the pull from the ripcord launcher, the higher RPM the blade is going to spin. Its obvious because using no power at all will result in no spin at all.

3) Make it lighter. Take off all the fance little chrome and plastic parts off your Beyblade and strip it down. Parts that don't provide any performance gains are purley for looks and only result in more weight slowing it down more quicker.

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